Sunday, October 9, 2011

OPI Planks a Lot + Last Friday Night

Today's mani is one that my friend has affectionately dubbed "unicorn puke." Sadly, it has nothing to do with Clarins 230, but it sure is sparkly!

Pastels like this usually aren't my cup of tea. The brighter pastels make me look weird, so I need them to be a bit greyish - like China Glaze Sea Spray - in order for them to work with my skintone. I've been wanting a lavender or lilac creme for a while, and settled for Planks a Lot. It's just OK. The formula is watery, so it definitely needs 3 coats. There are also two versions of this. I have the warmer one. The other version is dustier and cooler-toned. What the heck, OPI? Is it really that hard to keep colors consistent? Let's not even get started on the trainwreck that is OPI My Private Jet...

Anyway, the version of Planks a Lot I have is a bit too warm to flatter my skin, so I layered OPI Last Friday Night on top in the hopes that the blue jelly base would cool it down. It worked! Last Friday Night is awesome. This is 3 coats of Planks a Lot with 1 thick coat of Last Friday Night. I smoothed it out with a coat of Gelous before snapping this picture.

And here's a macro shot of my thumb so you can see the detail:

Look at all the differently-colored bits of glitter! Such fun.