Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sinful Colors Mint Apple

Good evening! Sorry I've been MIA for the last few weeks; the spring semester started recently and I'm still not quite used to my schedule. But today, I come with an awesome drugstore polish! I usually have trouble with pastels and minty colors against my skintone, but Mint Apple has enough yellow in it, and it's dark enough that it works. The formula is a little thin, so it needed 3 coats, but it's very smooth and I barely needed to clean up this mani. Here it is in artificial light, and as always, you can click on the photos to enlarge:

In natural light, it's a little more blue-toned, but not by a whole lot. In direct sunlight:

The shimmer is primarily silver, but you can see bits of yellow or gold shimmer! It's fantastic. In the shade, Mint Apple turns much bluer, but still not to the point that my hands turn into lobster claws.

It almost reminds me of a shimmery version of Essie Turquoise and Caicos in the shade. Such a fantastic color! And it's only $1.99 most of the time. Right now, Sinful Colors are 99 cents at Walgreens. I think that deal lasts for the rest of the week, but don't quote me on that.

Thanks for looking!